Want your WHY.
From my metaphor above, you should be prepared to dig! To get dirty and to make SPACE. You will make space by getting in touch with your deepest WHY.
The process to discover and prioritize your deepest WHY is how you BECOME WHERE MONEY WANTS TO GO. When you do the work to find what lights you up, you release resistance and remove blocks. You “drop” down to your core, your innermost desire. That IS the channel.
I am not making this up. I am a foundations coach and when you do this foundational work of excavating until you’ve moved all the crap that has buried your deepest WHY, you’ll have dug a smooth and attractive channel for Money.
Please understand Money WANTS to work! It wants to build and create and GROW things. It flows away from fear, which will hold it too tightly and constrict and contract it. It flows for EXPANSION. That is why it always seeks its own level and hint, that level is always LOVE.
To become an easy channel for Money to flow down into, dig out your WHY (inside you) to make the channel. Then let the WHY attract the opportunity (lead you to your lake).
Do not seek your spot before your "Why", or you’ll pick the wrong source. (I have personally screwed this up repeatedly! And yes, this applies to both Men AND Money.)
If your deepest Why isn't about Love, it is not your deepest Why yet.
– Alpha Life Coach