“Tanya, are you staying I should STOP looking?!?”
“Ok (Not ok.) Then, how will I find him?”
Parable time: When the student is ready the teacher appears. This ancient teaching has survived because of its truth.
When the Princess is ready, the P.R.I.N.C.E. appears.
Here is what you get if you keep looking (hunting) your fantastic opportunity:
1) When you are looking for something, it is because you do not have it right now. Your energy, your point of attraction and focus are on the “not having it" more than the "having it". That tends to make it not appear.
2) When you’ve been looking for something for a very long time, you get stressed, anxious and discouraged. Sometimes you even get angry and bitter or resentful and jealous. None of these is an attractive energy to get what you really want. And in fact, these repel opportunities that come anywhere near you.
3) When you are looking for something, it presupposes that you are already "qualified" to receive whatever it is you’re looking for! This is (sorry) usually not the case. We are usually looking for something that is "ahead" of us. We hope that the improved thing improves us too! Kind of a "give me a promotion and then I'll show you I can do
the work". Please remember that Cinderella was NOT improved as a person, they just changed her clothes and her shoes! She was ALREADY more of a princess than any of the other women around.
4) When you’re looking for something you have a strong bias toward what HE (or it) must look like. Meaning, if the Universe wants to send you your P.R.I.N.C.E. in his current frog version, you WILL miss him. Alphas that can work with a F.R.O.G. (frightening and real opportunity to grow) will have a head start on you! I
could still be still if I did this wrong!