Visa Will Charge Late Fees if You Are Late Regardless of Your Prior History
Do you let people off the hook when they are "late"with your emotional support payments. Are they always "getting" today, with a promise to pay tomorrow, with no consequences? (Surely, they'll square you up just as soon as THEY feel better...right? Right??)?
If Visa made late fees voluntary, how many people would pay them on time? How many people would pay late and believe their "reason" this month requires a special exception to a penalty? If there will never be a consequence for "shorting" you, there isn't really a strong reason for paying you
You could pay your Visa perfectly for 10 years and then go 40 days late. The rules still apply and you trigger the penalty payment. Is it ever waived? Every once in awhile. Certainly not enough for it to be safe to not pay. If you are allowing people who have formerly had "good" credit , to now be "bad"" without consequence - you
are reinforcing their unwanted behavior. So don't be surprised when it continues.
Are you vulnerable enough to see who YOU really are?
Visa's Rules Make Sense in Business and Love.
Do YOU Have Rules to Keep YOU Safe?
(And Do You Enforce Them?)