Truth Resisted is Suffering
When you cut yourself off from truth, to numb out the pain of what you don't want to see, you deaden the part of you that is needed for love and growth. That leads to suffering. And the part you that you numb & kill off is the part that permits Vulnerability.
Truth hurts when you have lied to yourself about what is, read into what it means or refuse to act based on it. Your mother leaving you does not mean you were not lovable. You having an abortion does not mean you can never be a good mom. Your past inability to commit does not mean you cannot (with growth) find a
committed happily ever after. Your physical disability does not mean you cannot succeed (it may mean you must work harder).
As a high-conflict divorce lawyer, I watched the truth act as a solvent, cleaning away the erosion my clients willingly LET BUILD UP. If you wait too long, the erosion eats all your steel away. You have to be vulnerable to say - not only did I make a bad call in this marriage but I freakin' knew it 13
years ago and did not act.
Can you agree to always act on the truth, even if scary? To never avoid seeing it, even if scary? And not make 'what is' into something else scarier? If so, you will have no problem being "vulnerable." You will see truth. You will hear truth. You will tell and attract truth and it will
set you free, because truth is always safer in the long run.
When you embrace and nurture that piece of Vulnerability you have suffocated, you will find truth hurts less. You are surprised less. You are betrayed LESS.
Betrayal is often about a truth you refused to see until it is THRUST on you violently. Betrayal in the world always originates with SELF-betrayal.
Harsh and simple: Embrace vulnerability to stop avoiding truth and life will stop lying to you. Own your wounds because you are worthy of them healing. Confess to yourself about your abuses and abusers.
Truth: Without your "stories" about your past, you will feel vulnerable. Without your wounds, others may stop caring for you. Without your abuses you may feel weak. Without your abusers, you lose the esteem of a "righteous" fight. will become YOU. Healed and lovable.
Are you vulnerable enough to see who YOU really are?
Vulnerability Permits You to Seek and Receive the Truth About YOU.
Are You Vulnerable Enough to See Who YOU Really Are and LOVE WHATEVER IS THERE?