Can You Just Be WRONG?
If I could recommend an undervalued skill to you, it would be becoming able to just BE WRONG.
You will be wrong many times in your life. The more adept you are at spotting it, owning it, DECLARING IT and then pivoting appropriately, the easier your life will be. The easier your children's lives will be.
Often you will find you were wrong but had good intentions. Read that "often" as about 98% of the time. We just discussed this in The Mom Mistake. Ignore your intentions and call it just wrong.
Yes, you want to save emotional face. Who wants to look foolish? I want you to balance the momentary foolish fear versus your heart. Versus your future and versus your right to be happy and well loved. And if you are a mother, do not underestimate the value of demonstration to your children that you correct a wrong when
detected, not when CONVENIENT!
After decades as a high-conflict divorce attorney, I'll tell you to just move on with the $2 you have left, your ruined credit, your missing jewelry and without that apology you were waiting for. Don't try to "win" it back before you go.
If you admit you made a bad call you can then receive Grace & Guidance to begin again. If you DON'T admit it, you are lying to yourself and asking to receive Divine Grace. See? Not as likely.
There is also a remarkable freedom the moment when you really look yourself in the mirror and call out your own screw up. It is a tremendous act of self-love and self-worth to say, I won't go any further down a known bad path. You'll actually feel a surge of energy that comes from relief.
If you are in a very sticky situation, get some help with the exit logistics, but get yourself into the truth FIRST!
Good Gamblers know when to walk away...know when to run!
(Shout out to Kenny Rodgers, The Gambler is STILL a damn fine song!).
Don't Gamble. Don't Stay Anywhere Based On How Much You've Already Invested. Do NOT Stay In a Game You Cannot Win.