Kill This Idea
If you can kill the idea (& very subtle desire) that someone ELSE change in order to make YOU happy, you are on the path to guruhood! Seriously. This one idea is a beast.
You'd be soo much happier if we...had a different president, your kids took school seriously, your husband LISTENED to what you worry about. Yep. I know.
Kill this idea! Change your mind, that changing someone ELSE, is the way to happiness. It's an insidious belief that you got from your parents before you had any opinions.
If you NEED someone else to change in order to be happy, you are screwed. Even if the change you "need" is GOOD for them, you still cannot control them.
Assignment: Just start noticing how often you are wanting, thinking, asking or demanding someone to change so your nest is better feathered. If you can stop expecting their unlikely, outside changes will give you unearned, INSIDE change, you will feel HAPPIER.
Right now, you don't know how much ENERGY you expend trying to control other people. When you stop, you'll have a surplus of your own energy...drumroll...for YOU!
Don't rationalize why their "change" would be a good thing for them. They don't. Want. To. Change.