Adding In A New Action Is A Bit Harder
I recommend you earnestly try to exhaust options to INTERRUPT habits before you hop on the "Let's Do Something New" Plan. Why? Because we suck at new. Humans are not wired for new. Our brains love safe, known patterns. We are designed to conserve energy and "new" almost always requires more effort than old.
Before you decide to add a new habit to feel happier, you MUST sit and truthfully face ALL the parts of you that DO NOT WANT what you say you want.
That was so important, let me go at that puppy again.
Never, in the History of Ever, has ALL of you wanted some change 100%. Your conscious mind is usually the one doing the "wanting" for it's own good reasons. And your subconscious mind is usually the one that is appalled and finds whatever you are up to UNNECESSARY and UNWANTED.
Let's take the habit of just drinking one more glass of water a day. Pretty much everyone can agree that's a smart move right? Nope!
The part of you that wants a Coke Zero does not agree. The part of you that is finally comfortable on the couch does not agree. The part of you that is always thinking about the next 12 things you are juggling doesn't have time to stop and remember a silly glass of water.
Weight loss? I promise you a large part of you (your not so silent partner) doesn't want to lose weight. Who wants to go to the gym? Pay for the gym? Feel fat at the gym? Go for 8 months before you'll start looking good? Buy new clothes? Lose old favorites? Not eat cookies on the counter? Deal with men bothering you? Or no longer
have a "protection" from getting into a romance or bed with your partner?
So yes, you can CHANGE WHAT YOU ARE DOING to find greater happiness. Do the foundation work. I'm a Foundations Coach and I promise this is the biggest reason people fail anything. They are unwilling to acknowledge the parts of themselves that are NOT on board and will sabotage your plan.
Sorry (not sorry) for the chunk of truth! It will help you Alpha.
Advice: This is the reason your "WHY" you are changing something, is almost more important than the "what" you are changing. You must know it, love it and be prepared to repel all borders from your new habit. Also why military style boot camps can work really well. They leave no
room to reconsider or back up.
If you really want to change something to add to your happiness - Burn Your Bridges to do it.
Want More Happiness? Change What You Keep DOING