There Is Only ONE Question to Ask
You've heard the famous quote:
Life is 10% What Happens to You & 90% How You React to It
Your reaction determines how you feel, whether your body pumps out happy hormones or fat storing stress ones. When you master your OWN REACTIONS, no one has the power to MAKE you unhappy anymore. Re-read that.
There is a magic question that will help you to pivot from the negative meaning you are giving to an event, to a softer one.
"Is there someone else on the planet that wouldn't see it this way?"
You may hate doing laundry but there is at least 1 person on the planet that would LOVE to have a washing machine...or extra clean water...or enough clothes for 2 loads.
You may be certain getting passed over for that promotion was unfair but someone else might see it as a setting you up for a better, future opportunity.
I learned to change how I viewed doing laundry. It is great practice for purposefully selecting how you react to events in your life that you don't "like" right now.
You CAN choose to view something as pleasant or hard, a nightmare or an setback, an attack or opportunity to rise up.