Everyone Needs A Clean Start
The towels come out of the dryer. Warm, fluffy, sun-shiney smelly and you...bury your face in them and breathe deep.
You are smelling a fresh start. Not just the softener you used but the ABSENCE of the sweat, moisture and dirt that towel previously held. That is worth a mini-celebration.
View your laundry as ongoing evidence of your ability to WASH AWAY all that troubles you.
The Law is "As within, so without" - all laws invert. So, when you clean your OUTSIDE, you help your INSIDES too. THAT is why cleanliness is next to Godliness.
Focus on looking at your life right now. Where do you really NEED a clean start? Your marriage? Your health? Your money? Troubled teen?
Decide that you are giving yourself that clean, fresh start. Just decide it. Then anchor it by going and doing some laundry. Go wash something and get it fresh. Breathe in that change, that freedom that you CAUSED.
Give yourself a break, a clean, fresh start. And here, I'll be greedy. Give someone else a clean start too. If it's too painful to talk about, don't. Just GIVE it to them in your heart. They'll respond.