This Is Why When You Do What You Love, Money Will Follow
You want money so you
You want love so you chase...Guy X (gimmie!).
You want independence so you chase...your successful business.
These direct goals are born of WANT, which is lack, which at its core is FEAR.
I have long taught that the actions don't generate your results as much as your MOTIVATION.
All FEAR based motivations must fail. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. But they WILL FAIL.
To clean up your fear based Motivation, pursue a goal that gives whatever you really want as it's BY-PRODUCT.
When pursue big goals directly, you are usually driven by the gnawing ABSENCE of what you actually want.
You cannot attract or create the PRESENCE of what you want out of the feeling of it's absence.
Remember hearing, fake it til you make it? Feel it real? Those work by getting you to feel the presence of what you want, so you are a "match" to it.
If you want to Lose Weight, go for the presence of health not weight loss.
If you want Success, go for the good feelings you'd create, not accolades.
If you want LOVE, give it! In giving you'll (yep) receive.
If you want to SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE, save yourself first.
But Tanya, I want to build an Empire and sell my books around the world!
Good! Figure out what you can do that would RESULT in your book empire happening and make THAT thing your goal.
Figure out the processes you need to master to sell those books and make those PROCESSES your goal. That will sell the books!
People mostly make millions on their way to doing something else.
The people who chase money and get it are never made happy by it.
Play with this.
What do you most want? What would DELIVER that? Obsess on that.
My goal is to teach thousands of people The Art of Self-Rescue. #ArtofSelfRescue
That will generate money without me chasing it. That will generate success without me chasing it. That will attract opportunities without me chasing or engineering them.
My goal is not to "sell" $X of coaching, it's to teach thousands of people to save themselves for free.