Stage One - Ego Attacks You
After you surface a big truth your Ego will attempt to discredit that truth or divert your attention to away from it.
A favorite trickery of Ego is trying to make you feel better about yourself by minimizing what you just surfaced. It can play the "look how well we've been doing game", we don't need to dwell on THAT. This is your Ego resisting change and truth.
The ego wants you to KEEP your comfortable life (the one with the money stresses and sex starved marriage and unsupportive family).
You will never have a problem with your Ego when you are NOT stretched, DON'T share and AREN'T growing.
Existing is SAFE. Growing is NOT.
If you want the Perfect Square Life, where you have Health, Wealth, Love and Mission, you will have to tell your hard truths (at least to yourself!). Your movement away from darkness towards a life of full of light, will draw attacks (from your old, fearful self) on your emotional and mental well-being.
And if the Ego can discredit the truth you just paid so dearly to tell? Happy days in Fear Town! You must not let your Ego water down your revelation. That voice telling you what you
CANNOT now have, because of the truth you just faced, is FALSE.
Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind - wise words to tell you that the mind is the battleground which you must win. Prizes? A better relationship, financial flow, heart fueled mission and MORE.