Stage Four - Preparing to Fail
Drop that sword!
Yes, it is true that people have little practice at receiving scary truths and even less at telling them. That is no reason to assume it'll go poorly.
I want you to do something extraordinary. STOP making it about THEM and make it about YOU. Prepare to be ACCEPTED. Wait a moment you say. Tanya, you can't ensure THEY will accept us!
No. No I can't.
This is a moment to make peace with the truth itself, the fact that you hid it or avoided it soo long AND the fact that you aren't 100% sure of what your reception will be for sharing it now...BUT you love you and you've got your OWN back.
Have your own back!
Don't let all the shoulda, coulda, wouldas make you miserable.
I'm going to share a powerful quote that solves ALL of this. Ready?