The biggest problem you have? Setting your bar too low and hitting it.
For a marriage, this problem takes on a particular twist that I want you to be aware of.
In marriage, we want our partner to help us meet our marriage goals.
Reasonable, right? But not something you can control!
Are you struggling in your marriage, having a hard time even IMAGINING a happy future together?
Watch out for limiting your Vision to what you think your husband “can-do“.
Don't lower your expectations hoping just maybe he can REACH it.
Do. Not. Do. This.
I have been so guilty of doing this over the years.
You don’t even notice you’re doing it most of the time.
You just stop wanting or dreaming about anything that looks impossible for your mate to do.
Why? Why ask for something you “know” is IMPOSSIBLE for your mate to do?
Answer: Because otherwise you are making your happiness conditional upon ONLY what you can currently see or believe.
You do not want to limit your happiness to what you “think” you can get.
(Same thing if your Vision is for a job, a purpose or destiny. Screw Impossible.) You do one thing the way you do everything and this will SPREAD to your whole life.
Still Too Hard to Imagine What You REALLY Want?
You can always ask yourself what emotion you expect to feel if you GOT that longshot. Then focus on asking for that FEELING in your New Vision.