Instead of talking about the “surface“ take on the idea of us sabotaging our relationships, we’re going to go for the deep one!
The Surface One – we keep fighting with our mate, until our mate agrees that they were wrong and we were right.
Sometimes that takes 10 minutes, sometimes that fight can go on for years on the same subject!
It’s pretty obvious that that’s destructive and a lot of it just has to do with the habit of being right and “winning“.
The deep part of sabotage is there’s a part of you that doesn’t believe that you deserve to be happy and loved. A bit that doesn't think love is safe or that you’re WORTHY of a good mate.
Those hidden, core beliefs are what work to attract the exact type of man that makes your dark beliefs true – a nightmare self-fulfilling prophecy!
In other words, we sabotage ourselves by making our deep, hidden beliefs RIGHT.
The only way to determine if you are doing this is to look at the patterns of your life. If you keep having the same relationship with a guy and the only thing that’s changing is his NAME and AGE – you are in a sabotage relationship pattern.
If you spot this, do not freak out! (OK, go ahead and freak out a bit because it IS terrible.)