Let’s play this out.
When You Are Unhappy:
1. You don’t have enough love and joy to share with others, which make you feel guilty.
2. You aren’t fun to be around because you are miserable and needy.
3. A needy Alpha is an angry/ controlling Alpha because we DON'T admit that we have needs.
4. Your decisions come from a place of fear and lack, so you make your situation worse.
5. You interpret everyone’s motives & all events through that same fear and lack, so you feel attacked and abandoned.
6. From this place, you have no energy to face the truth or make any real change. You're stuck.
That drives away LOVE.
That drowns your marriage and children.
When You Are Happy:
1. You feel confident.
2. You feel full inside, so you share your happiness without strings attached.
Side Effect: People WANT to be around you and help you.
3. You can let others make decisions and mistakes without intervening.
Side Effect: People feel MORE (rather than LESS) confident around
4. Your decision comes from a place of love, so things have a way of just working out for you.
5. You EXPECT things to work and see less “plots” to block you.
Side Effect: Your outlook on life gets better and you ATTRACT people who think the same way and want your good.
6. Your “tank“ is so full, that facing old, painful truths isn’t overwhelming. You do it to heal & grow.
Side Effect: You can break the old patterns that bind and block you, because you have the energy (from not constantly struggling anymore) to handle it.
Watch "M" Mins with Tanya below - 5 mins:
What Guarantees a Happy Marriage for a Man?
Happiness is the key to saving a marriage, raising confident children, making sales easily and even good cooking!