We Have Learned Through Bad Experiences That Giving Love OFTEN Backfires
*Have you ever offered to help someone a little and ended up trapped into helping them too much?
Fear: People will take advantage of me.
Rationalization: I shouldn’t have given love at all.
*Have you ever opened up to someone you loved and told them HOW they hurt you, only to have them turn it around on you and make you the bad guy?
Fear: People hurt me when I rely on their love.
Rationalization: I shouldn’t have trusted their love.
*Have you ever looked back at how many people you’ve helped but felt no one was there when YOU needed it?
Fear: People don't pay their debts (emotional or financial).
Rationalization: I shouldn't give freely, as they won't give back to me.
Love is magical because giving love multiplies love WHEN ITS GIVEN WITHOUT STRINGS.
When you give love because it feels good…
When you give love because you can make a difference…
When you give love because it’ll make him smile ->
MORE love is created and will return to you.
If you are giving love, in order to receive or secure love (operating it like a debt) it does NOT multiply and you are left with LESS.
I’m just going to tell you. Alphas, we give to receive. Why? Because that is what we have been taught.
If you trace the times in your life where you gave for the joy of giving, you WILL see that good returned to you. Not necessarily from that exact source, but from somewhere!
Giving love freely, multiplies it.