You can't buy love. I repeat, you cannot buy real love.
You can use money to SHOW love but cannot "trade" for it. I see you right now. You are making the "Well, Duh!" face.
The idea of handing someone CASH for love is crazy, you say.
But what about handing them SACRIFICES?
What about handing them excuses? Accepting the marginal?
What about suppressing your needs so THEY don't have to ACKNOWLEDGE their fear of your emotions?
What about all THAT? That is buying love too!
That is BARTER! Trade. Commerce. We Alphas have become experts at bartering our skills for love.
We are natural crisis managers and problem solvers.
So we get involved with folks who have lots of mess. Why? Because we can "take it". And in exchange for taking it, we expect them to praise, approve and love us and NOT leave.
Want more love? Remove the subtle manipulation of "Since I do all this for you... the least you can do for me is __________."
People can FEEL the strings attached and they pull away. Take the barter element out of your love. Do only for them what you'd do if no thanks and no praise would arrive.
That love feels like FREEDOM! It feels like acceptance to whoever you offer it to. It feels like they cannot fail and THAT LOVE GETS RETURNED & MULTIPLED.