That one line could be the whole coaching post.
Stop screwing around and give yourself what you need.
Ahh. But I know how you get around this! I've done it too Alpha.
The 3 Ways You (& Every Other Alpha) Screw Up Meeting Your
Own Needs:
1) You won't admit it's a "need" so you can downplay it's urgency.
2) You OVERPRIORITIZE everyone else's needs, so just in case you DO admit you need this, it's still like, 43rd on the list.
3) Finally, you feel GUILTY when you start to give to yourself.
Here is my coaching - stop lying to yourself about your own needs.
Admit you have a NEED and then figure out how YOU can meet it.
Note that I said YOU meet your own need and NOT figure out how to get your husband or someone else to fill it. It's not their primary job and if/when they fail you, you'll resent them.
Stop playing the great game of "womanhood/motherhood means self-sacrifice". No one likes you when you do this and YOU don't even like you when you do this.
If you start giving yourself whatever you need (like resting, that's a big one) and then you feel guilty and cut yourself off... You have a deeper issue that you need to target.
Stop waiting for someone/something to make you feel loved.
Go give yourself whatever you've been putting off NOW!