The temptation is to believe that you can find or attract the "exact right person" with whom you will live happily ever after with very little effort on your part.
And if things are hard or not working…Darn! Wrong guy!
Right? Wrong.
That shockingly lazy belief has been perpetuated throughout all of society.
Now that I’ve called it lazy, doesn’t it just sound… Lazy?!
- I do nothing.
- I meet most amazing man in the Universe.
- We marry.
- We always agree and have the same views and don’t fight and have great sex and divide up all of our roles perfectly, with no effort. Forever.
If you believe this pick one->
Option A: you are lazy
Option B: you are entitled
Option C: you are in denial
To be clear, the person that you attract to your marriage is "Met". Just like the opportunity of money is Met based on your thoughts, beliefs and behaviors.
The MARRIAGE? The REST of your life and times bit? Made.
But Tanya… you say… “If he IS the right man for me, shouldn’t it be easy?”
Umm. No.
The belief your marriage relationship should be “easy” is supported by the parts of you that want to avoid anything you fear (which is ANYTHING new, changing, uncomfortable or unplanned.)
Marriage (and all relationships actually) are the laboratories in which Spirit does its work. The purpose of the relationship is to surface ALL of your survival patterns, fears and stuck places for healing.
Does that sound easy? Hell no.
This belief is probably indirectly responsible for a great deal of unnecessary divorces. :-(
Great marriage is made. It’s made by you telling the truth to yourself and to your partner and being willing to deal with all of the uncomfortable moments as all of your issues and his fears come up, sometimes simultaneously.
It’s a long term negotiation.
Yes, some people have partners that it’s easier to negotiate with. Some nearly impossible. This still doesn’t excuse you doing YOUR work lovely one.
Marriage is MADE.
Show up for your lessons and you can MAKE a Happily Ever After.