Read that again. You cannot PUSH yourself to be motivated. Remember, this is an attraction-based universe.
There is no pushing. Pushing ALWAYS fails.
Motivation, is what happens when you become receptive to the right idea at the right time for you. The right time meaning, you are ready to start moving toward it, not that everything will be clear or easy.
One of the biggest mistakes we make is we confuse motivation with the feeling of seeing clearly how to do something. That feeling is clarity or understanding.
Admit it. You are usually not motivated when you don’t know how to do whatever it is that needs doing.
I teach the Alphas I coach to learn to trust themselves and their feelings. If you’re NOT presently motivated to do something, you should ask yourself, why not?
If I have something I need to do, and I’m not motivated to do it. I no longer assume that I am being lazy.
There is usually something missing, something that needs to happen or be decided and THEN my motivation will appear and be “MET”.
Often your lack of motivation is actually signaling you’re aiming at a target that you don’t really want to hit or are pursing out of fear.
Motivation is on the same energy spectrum of Love. So if whatever you’re doing is driven by fear, your motivation is going to struggle.
You cannot MAKE motivation. It is Met.
If you are struggling with Motivation for a task, start questioning the TASK, your HEALTH and whether your purpose is to create more LOVE or avoid what you FEAR.
Love pulls us. Sparks us. Motivates us. That is always the true driver of real motivation.