-> That means the crazy person at the drive-through cannot piss you off or ruin your day.
-> That means when your children predictably forget their school work and go into crisis mode, YOU don’t have to lose it.
-> That means if your husband is having a selfish moment, YOU can still have a good evening.
It is about making yourself emotionally independent of the (fancy word coming here) vicissitudes of life.
So here’s the question: How often are you having a really good day and then you bump into somebody having a pretty BAD day and…poof…you realize that YOUR good day is gone?
That is NOT Emotionally Sovereign.
Your assignment this week: play with this word of power by catching yourself when you are NOT being sovereign (the ruler of) on your feelings and emotions.
Invest yourself in noticing how often you allow external events to change your mood. Becoming conscious of this will give you back some measure of control.
Fair warning, it can definitely feel “selfish“ to not slide down into the depression, anger and frustration of those around you. Just remember, that is NOT love. That is sacrifice and is fear-based.
Spend time this week investing in building your Emotional Sovereignty ❤️
Sovereignty is Power.